1.1 The Federal Polytechnic Ayede, Oyo State, is an institution under the Federal Ministry of Education (FME). It was established in the year 2021 for promotion of technical/vocational education and training as well as skills development to enhance the socio-economic advancement of Nigeria.
1.2 In pursuit of her mandate, the Institution hereby invites experienced and competent bidders to make submissions of their Expression of Interest (EoI) as listed underneath.
- | LOT 001 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Renovation of Existing Academic Building at Iresaapa Campus
- | LOT 002 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Renovation of School Gate at Iresaapa Campus
- | LOT 003 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Construction of Laboratory Building for SLT Department
- | LOT 004 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Construction of a Block of Classroom for School of Engineering at Permanent Site
- | LOT 005 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Landscaping of School Frontage Fence at Iresaapa Campus
- | LOT 006 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Construction of Entrance Road at Iresaapa Campus
- | LOT 007 | Procurement of Consultancy Service for Construction of External works for Administrative Building at Iresaapa Campus
Prospective bidders must possess the under- listed requirements to be eligible to participate in this Procurement exercise: -
(a) Evidence of Certificate of Incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) including form CAC1.1 or CAC2 and CAC 7. Business Name is also acceptable for Services;
(b) Evidence of Company’s Income Tax Clearance Certificate for the last (3) years (2021, 2022, 2023), valid till 31st December, 2024;
(c) Evidence of Pension Clearance Certificate, valid till 31st December, 2024;
(d) Evidence of current Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Compliance Certificate, valid till 31st December, 2024;
(e) Evidence of Current Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) Clearance Certificate, valid till 31st December, 2024;
(f) Evidence of Registration on the National Database of Federal Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers by submission of Interim Registration Report (IRR) valid till 31st December, 2024 or valid Certificate issued by BPP;
(g) Sworn Affidavit disclosing whether or not any officer of the relevant committees of the Federal Polytechnic, Ayede or the Bureau of Public Procurement is a former or present director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder and to confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars;
(h) Company’s Audited Accounts for the last three (3) years i.e. 2021, 2022, 2023;
(i) Company’s profile with the Curriculum vitae of key staff to be deployed for the Project, including copies of their Academic/Professional qualifications;
(j) Verifiable documentary evidence of at least (3) similar jobs executed in the last five (5) years including letter of awards, Valuation Certificates, job completion Certificate and Photograph of Projects;
(k) Evidence of current Firm’s registration with relevant regulatory professional body(ies) such as ARCON, COREN etc.; and
(l) All documents for submission must be transmitted with a covering/Forwarding letter under the Company’s letter Head paper bearing amongst others, the registration number (RC) as issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission, contact address, telephone number (preferably GSM No) and email address. The letter head paper must bear the names and nationalities of the directors of the company at the bottom page, duly signed by the authorized officer of the firm.
Interested firms are to submit two (2) bound of Expression of Interest (EOI) documents arranged as indicated above. The documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Rector, Federal Polytechnic Ayede, Oyo State and clearly marked with the name of the project and the lot number. Furthermore, the reverse of each sealed envelope should have the name and address of the bidder and drop in the designated tender box at the office of the Rector, Federal Polytechnic, Ayede, Iresapupa, Oyo State, between the hours of 8am-4pm Monday – Friday not later than 12:00 noon on Monday, 17th March, 2025.
The EOI will be opened immediately after deadlines for submission at 12:00 noon on Monday, 17th March, 2025 in the Polytechnic’s Council Chamber. Please ensure that you sign the Bid Submission Register at the Security’s desk at the reception in the office of the Rector at the Iresaapa Campus of the Federal Polytechnic Ayede, Oyo State. The Institution shall not be held liable for misplaced or wrongly submitted bids.
a. Bids must be in English Language and signed by an official authorised by the bidder;
b. Bids submitted after the deadline for submission would be returned unopened;
c. Bidders should not bid for more than two (2) lots;
d. All cost associated with bidding or EOI will be borne by the bidders;
e. Presence of bidders/representatives shall be required during the bid opening ceremony in compliance with PPA, 2007 Guidelines. The Bids Opening will be carried out in the presence of two (2) representatives of private sector professional bodies and Civil Society Organisation in the areas of Anti-Corruption/Transparency;
f. Only shortlisted firms will be invited at a later date for collection of Standard Request for Proposals (SRfPs);
g. The Polytechnic is not bound or obligated to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the Procurement process at any time without incurring any liabilities in accordance with S.28 of the Public Procurement Act 2007.
Federal Polytechnic, Ayede, Oyo State